CO STAR, The Record Acting Game” was a popular series of 15 LP records released by Co Star records, a subsidiary of Roulette Records, that appeared in the late fifties/early sixties, featuring several legendary actors, old-time actors and several younger actors (and singers) performing scenes from plays (Macbeth), novels (Peyton Place) and movies (Casablanca) costarring YOU, YES YOU! (“YOU act scenes opposite your favorite star!”) as the record has blank spaces between their lines so you can recite your lines on your way to winning an Oscar. A narrator introduced each record and 20-24 page mimeographed scripts were enclosed with each record, indicating when to insert your lines to “act” opposite the star.
This particular record features Argentinean born actor Fernando Lamas doing his part from “The King & the Chorus Girl”. Unfortunately the script with the lines from the film were not in the jacket, you’ll have to make up your own.
Co-Star – The Record Acting Game – Fernando Lamas (mp3s)
Scene 1: Alfred & Humbert (4:47)
Scene 2: Alfred & Dorothy (5:28)
Scene 3: Alfred & Dorothy (3:55)
Scene 4: Alfred & Humbert (5:12)
Scene 5: Alfred & Dorothy (3:57)
Scene 6: Alfred & Humbert (3:15)
Scene 7: Alfred & Dorothy (2:06)