The Biggest Obstacles Facing The Cannabis Industry

With the recent legalization of recreational cannabis use in California and Canada, things are starting to move faster here in the United States. As lawmakers continue to watch the development and effects of legal weed, public pressure to decriminalize cannabis is increasing.

The obstacles that face the cannabis business are not entirely coming from government opposal. There are many things that are holding up the industry from expansion and legalization.

High taxation for business owners and intricate regulations are making it tough for anyone to get started selling cannabis products. Complex issues like hemp transportation in the United States only make things tougher. Most citizens believe that with time, cannabis legalization will pass and the industry will undergo a rapid expansion. Until that day and after more education and scientific study, the industry still faces many challenges.

Shifting Rules & Regulations

The cannabis issue is being dealt with by each state individually. This can complicate matters of transport and regulation. The transition from medically allowed marijuana to recreational is causing issues with proper regulations and laws. As each area sets their own taxation laws, some small business entrepreneurs are finding it tough to settle in one place and open their doors.

Corporate Takeovers

As the cannabis industry continues to expand, big business is getting in on the trend. Small dispensaries are finding it nearly impossible to compete with huge corporations like Walmart, Corona and Marlboro. These companies are able to negotiate better production costs and transportation logistics that small owners just can’t compete with.

Tough Laws

Until the day when all cannabis products are equally legal, the compliance factor will remain complex. Owners are finding it difficult to remain within the laws, pay the high rate of taxes imposed by the state and still be able to operate a profitable business.

Lack of Compassion

As the larger corporations move in and push out the smaller dispensaries, advocates have noticed a lack of thought for those that are in need. Many patients in the past have had access to medical grade marijuana to help them with pain and suffering. As the big companies take over, the lack of compassion for these patients is starting to dwindle compared to profits.

Slow Legislation

Some business owners believe that it is a lack of research and education that is holding up the change in the cannabis laws. The FDA, along with big pharmaceutical companies, have been slow to make any changes. More research is needed, as most current studies have been conducted on animals and not humans. As legalization continues, more research will be made possible.


There are several marijuana compounds that are already in legal use in the States. CBD oil has become a popular remedy for many issues like chronic pain, anxiety and stress. As the benefits of cannabis become more public, the industry hopes to benefit from legislation changing at a quicker pace. Public demand and FDA approval will be the largest factors to bringing the cannabis industry to the 21st century.