How to Care for Your Grand Piano

Now, sometimes seen as a symbol of a bygone age of class and refinement, the grand piano occupies a special place in any home. It can be used to entertain guests, further your own knowledge of music, or just look beautiful day in and day out. These are masterwork pieces of art in their own right, and they should be treated as such. To that effect, you shouldn’t neglect your piano in any way and should do everything in your power to keep it in as pristine condition as possible. The instrument will only appreciate in value over time if you keep it looking as beautiful as it did the day it left the workshop.

Here are a few basics to keeping your piano as glorious as it can be:

Keep it clean.

This step might seem obvious, but far too often, people forget to do a regular wipe-down of their grand piano. Even if it gets consistent use, going into all of the nooks and crannies with a duster to remove any unwanted debris will keep your piano clean and ensure that nothing gets into the delicate inner workings. A grand piano cover will prevent airborne dust and hair from becoming lodged between the keys and other internal components. Even if all your piano does is sit there and look pretty, it still needs some TLC from time to time.

Be wary of humidity.

Because of the large amounts of felt, wood, and oxidizable metals found in a grand piano, they are extremely vulnerable to humidity. If the room is too humid, this will lead to a decline in the quality of the materials that make up the piano, as well as risks of the wood expanding due to the moisture. The ideal temperature for a piano is in the realm of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, with a humidity of approximately 50 percent overall. Avoid putting the piano near any vents, heaters, fireplaces, or rooms with large windows. Having both a dehumidifier as well as a humidifier on hand is essential to keeping the room in which you keep your grand piano suitable.

Play your piano.

You don’t have to be Mozart or even truly competent at all with your piano skills to accomplish this task. Beginner piano tips are abundant on the Internet, and you should at least make some effort to play your piano to keep the inner mechanisms in working shape. Not only that, you’ll be able to get a more comprehensive idea as to the state of your piano and diagnose any issues before any technician even shows up. Pianos are meant to be played, plain and simple.


Should your grand piano ever deteriorate to the point where you need to call in a technician, it will likely be an expensive call even before any work has been completed, doubly so if the piano has to be taken to a dedicated workshop beforehand. Using these simple tips, you can delay or even outright prevent the need to have expensive outside help to restore your piano. Ensure that debris is kept away at all times, that it’s in an environment suitable for the materials that make it up, and don’t forget to tickle the ivory once every so often.