Eight Reasons Your Child Should Learn Piano

You don’t have to be raising the next Beethoven to want your child to learn piano. Whether your little one turns out to be a musical prodigy, the experience of learning to play an instrument offers a lot of benefits for kids.

Studies show that children who learn to play an instrument have improved brain development and stronger educational performance later in life. They’ll be learning a lifelong skill to break out in front of friends and family!

When it comes to the top tier of instrument-learning, piano really is king. Here are just eight of the many reasons your child should learn piano with affordable kids piano classes online.

1. Problem-Solving Skills

Learning to play piano at an early age is primarily a lesson in problem-solving. In addition to working through the technical challenges of reading music and playing chords, kids are also learning broader techniques on how to approach difficult tasks through problem-solving and memory recall.

2. Improved Concentration

In a screen-dominated world where children’s attention spans seem to be shrinking by the minute, piano is a task that requires a child’s true, undivided attention. Successfully learning to play their favorite song will show your child the rewards that concentration and practice bring!

3. Motor Skills

Learning to play the piano is also a serious builder of hand-eye coordination. Not only will your child learn what keys to press with their fingers based on the notes that are on a page, but they’ll also learn how to do this with both hands playing different notes at the same time! Setting your kiddo up with piano lessons is setting them up for success in all future fine motor skills.

4. Better Performance in School

As you may have guessed from all the benefits to problem-solving and concentration, children who learn to play the piano at an early age tend to perform better in school! They’ll be more practiced at working on skills independently, as well as knowing when to ask for help.

5. Creative Outlet

While the influence on your child’s brain functioning has a positive impact on their intellectual success, studies show that playing an instrument reduces stress and anxiety while also improving creativity. Playing piano is rewarding hobby that your child will carry with them through life as a way to relax.

6. Earlier is Better

Just as with language-learning, younger is better when it comes to learning the piano. Children are better at absorbing large amounts of new information, as compared to adults, meaning they can likely learn faster. And establishing the motor skills specific needed for piano at a younger age makes for stronger playing later in life!

7. Higher Self Esteem

All of these improved motor skills, concentration, problem-solving, stress relief, and higher educational performance combine to create kids with higher self-esteem. Children who have successfully worked through challenging tasks at early ages grow up to have more self-confidence, which will carry them through the rest of their lives.

8. Musicality

This one sounds simple, but it’s important to note: learning to play the piano makes your child more musical. And whether your child has professional aspirations when it comes to music, or not, it is undeniable that music is an essential part of culture in every part of the world. It is something that transcends language and country. A love and knowledge of music is valuable in life, no matter where your child ends up!

Bottom Line

Whether it’s on a baby grand or an electric keyboard, your child should start learning all that piano has to offer asap! If you need help finding a teacher, there are some amazing organizations that offer affordable kids piano classes in a classroom, online, or right to your home! Your child could be accompanying the next family sing along in no time.