Minimalist Wallets: Why Less is More for your Pocket and Posture

By Mitch Rice

The size and shape of a man’s wallet should always come first when deciding which wallet to add to your collection. The best way to determine the best size is to assess what you need and remove the excess, in fact with a minimalist wallet, you don’t have to do too much with organizing your wallet as it was designed to remove the bulk from your life, unlike the conventional wallets. A minimalist wallet helps you maintain a low profile as you go about your daily activities.

It may not be seemingly obvious but the design of your everyday equipment, gadgets or tools has impacts on your health. From an item as big as your handbag/cross bag to one as small as your wallet. The choice of wallet can be responsible for some of the back and leg pain that thousands of people complain about week after week. Some of these pains can be avoided by adopting the innovation of a minimalist wallet, called the shuffle minimalist wallet.

The benefits of using a minimalist wallet

A minimalist wallet helps you carry just the cards and cash you need and because of that, you’re mindful of the belongings you carry on your person. This is possible due to the material with which it is made, which also gives it the ultra-slim lightweight feature. The shuffle minimalist wallet enables you to practice the art of minimalism which is doing away with everything you do not need and keeping only the essential ones, it also influences good spending habits and faster decision-making in your daily transactions.

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, the minimalist design of the wallet also has a positive effect on your health, as it prevents the seemingly harmless health issues that result from using the traditional bulky wallet.

What impact does a minimalist wallet have on your pocket and posture?

The term ‘fat wallet syndrome” is widely known by physiotherapists as a widespread occurrence and it is part of some of the pains we mentioned can result from your choice of wallet and the pocket you place it earlier. Let’s take a look at how using minimalist wallets positively impacts your health.

Sitting comfortably

Using a minimalist wallet, helps you avoid the discomfort that is associated with the traditional bulky wallet. The man’s pocket is deep enough to accommodate items such as keys, coins, and even a wallet, so the first instinct is to place your bulky wallet in a pocket that’s big enough to accommodate it, this causes an imbalance in the way you sit and thereby causes pressure to build up on the side where the pocket is. But a minimalist wallet can fit right into any pocket, especially your front pocket.

Less pressure on the sciatic nerve

That side of the pocket where pressure builds up is called the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the legs. Putting a bulky wallet in your back pocket and sitting on it for a long time, causes a lot of pressure on this nerve, which ultimately causes intense pain in your lower back and legs. This pain level can move from zero to ten quickly, but it is also easy to rectify with the right choice of wallet. The shuffle minimalist wallet has up to nine card slots, which is enough just for what you need at the time, so a bulging pocket that causes stress is out of your worries.

It fits into your front pocket

Minimalist wallets have a sleek and slim design that makes them fit perfectly into your front pocket. And the benefit of this relating to your health is that the weight is in balance with your posture because sitting with your wallet in your front pocket encourages even weight distribution and prevents tilting of the pelvis which can lead to a strain in your lower back.

Keeping less in your wallet can significantly strengthen or correct your posture and prevent you from experiencing avoidable pain. We recommend that you check out the shuffle minimalist wallet on Kickstarter, as the first step in maintaining your posture or getting it back.

Data and information are provided for informational purposes only, and are not intended for investment or other purposes.