Video-Centric Advertising Strategies To Engage Audiences and Have Great Results

By Mitch Rice

Different ad platforms provide unique opportunities for marketers looking to reach their target audience. It’s not just a fashion trend but an effective tool that can engage the audience and convert views into sales. However, to succeed, marketers need to master several strategies.

The importance of a creative approach

Video-centric advertising is not only about its visual aspect but also about the way it presents content. A video ad that does not leave a response from the viewer can be considered a bad investment. Therefore, the key to success lies in creativity.

A creative approach to video advertising means creating unique, memorable content that evokes an emotional response from the viewer. It can be humor, an unexpected twist, an emotional story, or even a visual masterpiece, all made more effective with the added security and seamless access to global content provided by iProVPN.Recommendations from Ben Jones

Ben Jones, the international director of Creative Works at Google, believes that success in video advertising lies in the ability to reject the usual stereotypes. Instead of following the usual templates, Ben Jones recommends:

  • Watch trends. Study popular video content to understand what’s trending right now.
  • Experiment with formats. Don’t be afraid to use new video or animation formats.
  • Interact with the audience. Create content that motivates viewers to interact with your brand.

Don’t forget about the tools that will help you to effectively create videos. For example, Simpleshow can help you create explainer videos in several hours.

How can DSP for programmatic advertising boost your video-centric ad campaign?

Video-centric advertising combined with DSP for programmatic advertising offers a potent cocktail of engagement and precision. By leveraging DSP, advertisers can efficiently target audiences based on various parameters, ensuring that video content reaches the right eye at the right time. The synergy of thoughtful video-centric ad strategy and DSP amplifies the impact of video ads, enhancing brand awareness and fostering deeper connections with consumers.

Through real-time bidding and advanced algorithms, DSPs optimize ad placements across multiple channels and devices, maximizing reach and conversion rates. This fusion of video-centric content and DSP technology not only streamlines the advertising process but also enhances ROI by delivering personalized, compelling messages to the audiences.

An example of a successful creative video-centric advertising strategy

Burger King`s advertising campaign caused a wide response by showing a not-at-all-appetizing burger that spoils within 34 days. This frank approach was used to emphasize the absence of preservatives in Burger King products. The campaign has been a successful rebranding tactic for the company which is slowly gaining traction in the fast-food burger sector.

ABCD principle: the key to an effective video-centric advertising strategy

Creating an ad that stands out among the many other videos requires following certain principles. One of these principles is ABCD, which helps marketers create content that engages viewers and encourages them to take action.

A (Attract): grab attention right away

The first few seconds of an ad are critical. If you fail to grab the viewer’s attention immediately, they may skip your video. Getting attention with a massive discount code can also help to get the initial attention.

Example: Mountain Dew’s “As Good As The Original”. This video ad immediately grabs attention with its bright colors and dynamic music.

B (Brand): integrate the brand in a simple and natural way

Viewers should be able to easily identify your brand in the ad, but it shouldn’t look intrusive.

Example: Coca-Cola’s “Open Like Never Before”. The Coca-Cola logo and their style are present in the ad, but they are integrated naturally.

C (Connect): interaction with the viewer’s emotions

The ad should evoke an emotional response from the viewer, whether it’s joy, laughter, sadness, or nostalgia. Including conference photography that can deepen the emotional connection by showing real-time engagement and reactions.

Example: Google’s “Loretta”. This ad evokes deep emotions by telling a story about old age and memories.

D (Direct): clear call to action (CTA)

After watching the ad, the viewer should know what is expected of them. It could be buying a product, browsing a website, or subscribing to a channel.

Example: Spotify’s “Music for Every Mood”. The call to action at the end of the ad clearly indicates that viewers should download the Spotify app.

By following the ABCD principle, marketers can create effective and emotionally engaging video-centric ad strategies.

Personalization and hyperlocal approach

Personalization in a video-centric advertising strategy means creating videos that resonate with your target audience’s individual interests, preferences, and needs.

Spotify’s Wrapped Campaign uses user data to create personalized videos that summarize their music preferences throughout the year.

Hyperlocal advertising focuses on creating ads that reflect consumers’ local characteristics, culture, or needs in a particular region.

Coca-Cola is known for its innovative advertising campaigns, including the hyperlocal advertising developed by McCann Worldgroup India. This ad differs from the traditional Coca-Cola commercials we are used to seeing. It is filled with local Indian colors and flavors and shows the journey of a young woman living in a small town. Everything in the ad, from the colors to the settings, has an authentic Indian character.

This ad is part of Coca-Cola’s strategy to focus on a hyperlocal approach, tailoring its advertising campaigns to local markets to increase their resonance with local consumers.