Lenny Stoute Has Passed Away

Lennt Stoute has passed away. He was a passionate music writer whose love for the the scenes showed his deep appreciation for artists, whether they were at the beginning of their journey or well-established, always came through his insightful stories and thoughtful interviews. His passion for music was infectious, and he was a vital voice in Toronto celebrating and supporting musicians, often advocating for those who needed it the most – the indie bands and artists.
I was so fortunate to be one of the many music industry people Lenny championed from the start of my career. His encouragement, especially in the beginning back in the mid-90s, provided a foundation of confidence that stayed with me ever since. Lenny remained a constant source of support, attending shows, writing about new releases in the Toronto Star, Music Express, Globe & Mail, eye, Metro, and Cashbox Canada, and always offering his words of advice. His genuine love for music and the artists behind the songs will never be forgotten, and I will forever be grateful for the role he played in my life.