The Benefits of Collagen Drinks

By Mitch Rice

Collagen this, and collagen that – but we gotta ask ourselves, what exactly is collagen? Well, it is a protein found in the bones, blood and muscles; it also comprises 3 quarters of the skin and at least ⅓ of your bodily protein. The source of collagen comes from the food that you eat, especially when the body combines a variety of amino acids. These include Vitamin C, Zinc, Copper, and Proline.

A new challenger entered the market through the form of Collagen drinks. You might wonder, hey, is it worth to try it?

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of drinking collagen drinks!


Collagen supplements, the odds of Jili may tell, have been known to help boost hydration and elasticity in those who are older. Fortunately, these also means less wrinkles for those older.

When I took collagen drinks, the skin benefits were among those effects that I really felt. After one month of taking the collagen drinks, my skin was more hydrated than usual, so I did not need as much moisture. In a few months, my skin became plumper and more glowing and my fingernails were having less breakage.


  • As much as possible, ensure that you consistently drink your collagen. The longer the time you drink it, the more results you will be able to reap and enjoy.
  • Keep yourself hydrated. This will help supplement the moisture you can get from the collagen.

Better Heart Health

Did you know? Collagen also has heart health benefits! The protein helps maintain and shape your arteries and blood vessels. Without the right amount of collagen, the arteries will become less strong and the blood vessels turn more delicate.

According to a study, collagen powder has helped in keeping the arteries in better shape. As a result, the risk of getting atherosclerosis has been reduced. This study, in addition, was done on healthy people.

Collagen helps keep the shape of your arteries and blood vessels. When you lack collagen, your arteries may weaken. Fragile blood vessels increase the risk of atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. A small study on healthy people found that collagen powder kept arteries healthier and helped reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.


  • Don’t forget to eat food sources rich in collagen as well! This includes bone broth and meat and fish, especially tuna, chicken skin and cartilage.

Muscle Mass

Another benefit of a collagen drink is the gain of muscle mass. Men who took collagen peptide supplements in a 12-week strength training program had gains in muscle mass and strength; this is big compared to those who had not taken the supplements.


  • Be more discerning when it comes to buying your own collagen drinks and supplements. Don’t forget to check thoroughly the nutrients and ingredients list that it has. Choose ones that has significant collagen and protein.
  • Make sure you eat your protein if you want to bulk up. For those with PCOS, protein is of paramount importance. This is because the proteins can help you stay fuller for longer and be more functional. We recommend beef, and chicken.

Wrapping Up

Collagen drinks have many benefits, not only in health, but also for the skin and the workings of the body. Although these collagen drinks may promise a lot, we still highly encourage you to be vigilant and critical of the collagen products around you. Happy collagen consumption!

Data and information are provided for informational purposes only, and are not intended for investment or other purposes.