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Chris Cornell delivers a powerful, cello-assisted cover of Prince‘s Nothing Compares 2 U

Chris Cornell sat down for an in-depth interview and acoustic performance in the SiriusXM Studios for an Artist Confidential where he performed a cover of Prince’s Nothing Compares 2 U.

Amp Up Your Future

Having a music career might seem like an unattainable goal. Thousands try to break into the industry, few succeed.

But what if I told you there was a different way to be a part of the music scene? One that doesn’t require Aretha Franklin’s singing chops or Madonna’s wardrobe changes. By apprenticing in one of Ontario’s skilled trades you can earn while you learn, and help create the concerts and festivals you love.

There are all kinds of trades associated with live music – from carpenters building the stages, electricians installing the lighting and electrical systems, truck and coach technicians maintaining tour buses, to cooks, hairstylists, heavy equipment operators and more.

Learning a skilled trade can really amp up your future. According to an Ontario Chamber of Commerce study, the province’s music industry generated over $400 million in revenue in 2010 and live music added hundreds of millions of additional dollars in economic activity. The industry is growing and the skilled jobs that support it will continue to be in demand.

Now that’s sweet music for those looking for a rewarding future.

Sound interesting? The Ontario College of Trades has just released a video showcasing the work of tradespeople at two major summer music festivals. Check it out here. This behind the scenes look at WayHome and Boots and Hearts details how skilled tradespeople play an integral role in making these amazing events possible.

While you’re there, you can get information and answers to any questions you might have about apprenticeship programs and getting started in the trades.

What’s more, a music-related contest is coming soon (stay tuned on Twitter and Instagram by following @collegeoftrades). Rumour has it the winners will be getting VIP treatment at a ‘gotta be there’ concert.

This is a sponsored post, but I agree with everything here.

What Friedrich Nietzsche Wrote About Music As A 13-Year-Old Will Astound You

God has given us music so that above all it can lead us upwards. Music unites all qualities: it can exalt us, divert us, cheer us up, or break the hardest of hearts with the softest of its melancholy tones. But its principal task is to lead our thoughts to higher things, to elevate, even to make us tremble… The musical art often speaks in sounds more penetrating than the words of poetry, and takes hold of the most hidden crevices of the heart… Song elevates our being and leads us to the good and the true. If, however, music serves only as a diversion or as a kind of vain ostentation it is sinful and harmful.

Nietzsche wrote these lines two months before his fourteenth birthday – a detail doubly poignant when contrasted with the “vain ostentations” marketed to teenagers today. But his profound reverence for music never left him. Toward the end of his life, he immortalized it in an aphorism included in his 1889 book Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer:

What trifles constitute happiness! The sound of a bagpipe. Without music life would be a mistake.

Via Brain Pickings and Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

This Is How Police in Canada Handle Road Rage

Watch what happens when a CBC News interview with a police officer is interrupted by a road rage incident on a nearby road.

Viet Cong Are Changing Their Name: “Our band name is not our cause”

Calgary post-punk quartet Viet Cong have decided to change their name, something they say they’ve been planning on changing it for months. They’ve issued a new statement via the band’s official Facebook page. Here’s what they wrote:

Our band lives to play music. We don’t particularly like doing press, most of us are fairly private people and we have social media for the band only reluctantly. Most of us generally don’t follow online criticism. Over the last year we have essentially lived our lives in a tour van and in music venues, playing over 130 shows. In that time we’ve met many amazing people and had many great conversations with people in person.
Over this time we’ve been listening, talking and having lots of valuable conversations with the members of the Vietnamese community about the name. Through this dialogue and hearing about what the name means to so many people, we have decided we will be changing the name of our band.
Art and music are about creative expression. However, our band name is not our cause, and we are not going to fight for it. This is not what our band is about.
There are many individuals more eloquent than us who have recently had a lot to say about the topic of the name and our appropriation of the name Viet Cong. For more insights into the arguments we encourage you to read some of these. We are a band who want to make music and play our music for our fans. We are not here to cause pain or remind people of atrocities of the past.
The truth is, we’ve been planning to change the band name for the next record for months; it has not been an easy decision by any means. We are a band of four people with four individual voices; this debate has been long and difficult for us and it took time for everyone to settle on a plan of action.
We don’t know what the new name of our band will be, and we owe it to our fans to honour the concerts we have booked. We rushed into our last band name decision, we don’t plan to rush into this one, but know that will be rolling out a new name as soon as we agree upon one.
We realize this won’t satisfy everyone, but that’s certainly not the goal of this band. We never expected this kind of attention in the first place and just want to return to playing music, which is the only thing we (kinda) know how to do.
We’ve had an incredible amount of support from fans, and we have to thank everyone who has said supportive words to us as we struggle with this. As always, we welcome people talking to us in person.
– Matt, Mike, Monty & Danny.


Watch Ex-Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour’s First Major U.S. Television Interview

Legendary guitarist David Gilmour, formerly of Pink Floyd, is out with his first solo album in nearly 10 years. Gilmour had never done an in-depth interview for U.S. television until now, and but CBS Morning’s Anthony Mason traveled to England and spoke to him about his career and latest album, “Rattle That Lock.”

This is the greatest crowdfunding project in the history of the planet, ever

Middle Island Maremma Project has operated as a community partnership between Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare, Warrnambool City Council, Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village and Deakin University. Middle Island is located just off the Warrnambool Breakwater. Middle Island went from an approx penguin breeding population of 800 penguins in 1999, to less than 10 identified birds in the 2005 breeding season. This decline was primarily through fox attacks – the largest attack resulted in 380 birds (penguins and Shearwaters).

Something had to change – and it did.

In 2006, maremma dogs were trialled to protect the penguins by living on the island through the summer breeding season. Since this time, after a lot of hard work by all the partners, no penguins have been lost to fox encroachment since. The population is now estimated to be 150 Little penguin. Take a look at this clip that details the history of the project.

This has turned into the best crowdfunding campaign in the history of the planet.

Peter Abbott’s current dogs ( Eudy and Tula ) are now 8 years old and its time to start planning their retirement. This funding campaign will allow us to purchase two maremma pups and then train them over two summer breeding seasons. Eudy and Tula will become ambassador dogs to the project, which likely would be looking awesome and generating media attention like this blog.If they raise more than $25,000 they can further train the dogs, create new housing for them both on and off island and also provide funding for Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare to coordinate the volunteers that monitor penguin breeding and evening arrivals.

This project is so unique that it has been turned into a new Australian Movie – Oddball.

So go here and give a few dollars and let’s do something great for that community.

Jimmy Fallon Sings “Hello” with Lionel Richie’s Head

In a nod to the classic ’80s music video, Jimmy Fallon performs a haunting rendition of the song “Hello” with Lionel Richie. Or does he?