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John Legend serenades his dogs at their very own wedding

Want to see the most adorable wedding that John Legend has ever sung at? Check out Puddy and Pippa’s ceremony, where the multi-platinum singer serenades his pooches. He’s actually doing this for a good cause: raising money for a school in Springfield, MO. This specific cause campaign is over, but a small donation, you can enter a raffle to win amazing opportunities like Ty Burrell will be your Dad for the Day, and be there for the final taping of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

So, HAS Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott Ever Poured Sugar On Someone? Yup.

Def Leppard singer Joe Elliott was at Q103 radio station in Albany, New York recently and was asked if he has ever poured sugar on anyone. Joe responded:

“No. But when the [Def Leppard] song [‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’] first came out… It [was] kind of a ‘mishit,’ really. When it first went to radio in 1987, it kind of got ignored, but in 1988, it took off again. And then it became the most important song on the record and we started shifting silly amounts of records and tickets and stuff, and by then, the song was, like, top of the charts, and people were throwing packets of sugar at us on stage. I mean, it was like trying to avoid shrapnel. It was kind of comical, really.

“Actually, I think once we did a competition, in fairness… I’m just thinking now, ’cause you catch me cold with questions like that. I think we once had a competition backstage to actually pour, like, a pound of sugar over some poor girl’s head who had been saturated in hot water. It was written in the contract that it had to be done, no doubt. So, yeah, I think maybe about 25 years ago, we did it at one time.

“She seemed to enjoy it, from what I can remember. You know, sugar is better than coal. [Laughs]”

Here’s the original song and still great video. Gotta give props to a band who wears their own concert tour shirts on stage. Love IS like a bomb, baby, come and get it on.

Video: Frank Zappa On ‘What’s My Line’ In 1971

Frank sure had some majestic facial hair.

Malcolm McLaren on The Beatles, The Stones, and How To Market To Teenagers, 1984

Malcolm McLaren was a British musician, impresario, visual artist, performer, clothes designer and boutique owner, notable for combining these activities in an inventive and provocative way.

With a keen eye for trends, McLaren realised in the 1970s that a new youth style was needed, and largely initiated the punk movement, to which he supplied fashions from the Chelsea boutique ‘SEX’, operated with his girlfriend Vivienne Westwood. After a spell advising the New York Dolls in the US, McLaren managed the Sex Pistols, to whom he recruited the nihilistic frontman Johnny Rotten. The issue of a controversial record, “God Save the Queen”, satirising the Queen’s Jubilee in 1977 was typical of McLaren’s shock tactics, and he gained publicity by being arrested after a promotional boat trip outside the Houses of Parliament.

The Falls Mark E. Smith Vs The Sound Engineer

The recording studio is not for the weak. But it can get a bit strange. Warning, this contains a lot of swearing.

Live beneath the waves, there’s a real Yellow Submarine

Live beneath the waves in a yellow submarine, specifically the Y.Co Yellow Submarine VAS 255/60. Built by sub maker GSE Trieste, it’s 27 feet long, has room for 5 people, and can dive down to 160 meters. No word if Ringo drives it on the weekends.


Via Boing Boing

I Bet You Didn’t Know This About Tony Bennett And The Selma March 1968

Viola Liuzzo was a Unitarian Universalist civil rights activist from Michigan. In March 1965 Liuzzo, then a housewife and mother of 5 with a history of local activism, heeded the call of Martin Luther King Jr and traveled from Detroit, Michigan to Selma, Alabama in the wake of the Bloody Sunday attempt at marching across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Liuzzo participated in the successful Selma to Montgomery marches and helped with coordination and logistics. Driving back from a trip shuttling fellow activists to the Montgomery airport, she was shot dead by members of the Ku Klux Klan. She was 39 years old.


Just before the 24th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s April 4, 1968 murder, Tony Bennett appeared on the Arsenio Hall show to talk about the bloody 1965 Selma to Montgomery march he participated in at Harry Belafonte’s request. After the march, Bennett revealed, he was driven to the airport by Liuzzo. After leaving the airport, Liuzzo was shot and killed.

Via the May 1992 issue of Rock & Rap Confidential.

10 Great Vintage Colour Television Ads

Television broadcasting stations and networks in most parts of the world upgraded from black and white to color transmission in the 1960s and 1970s, and today virtually all television besides some inexpensive closed-circuit surveillance video systems is color television, so the term is becoming redundant and is not used much.

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