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Entertainment One and BBC Films To Co-Finance Ricky Gervais’ Life On The Road with Entertainment One Handling UK and Worldwide Distribution

Leading independent studio Entertainment One (eOne), in association with BBC Films, is pleased to announce that it is on board to finance the upcoming LIFE ON THE ROAD from David Brent, one of the world’s best-loved comedy characters.

With eOne Features launching worldwide sales of the film in Cannes, eOne also confirmed that it will directly distribute the film in the UK and Australia/New Zealand.
Directed, written by and starring Ricky Gervais, LIFE ON THE ROAD sees a documentary crew catching up with Brent – former star of hit series The Office and now working as a travelling salesman – as he chases his dream of rock stardom by self-financing a UK tour with his band, “Foregone Conclusion”.
Ricky Gervais comments, “I’m so excited that the world will see what David Brent is up to now and where his future lies. This film delves much more into his private life than The Office ever did and we really get to peel back the layers of this extraordinary, ordinary man.”
“We are excited to partner with the incomparable Ricky Gervais and BBC Films to bring this iconic UK character to audiences around the world in 2016,” said Alex Hamilton, Managing Director, eOne Films UK. “As a writer, director and actor Ricky’s talent and ability to make people laugh puts him in a league of his own. We are delighted to be involved with this film on an international basis,” added Xavier Marchand, President, eOne Features.
“BBC Films is thrilled to be supporting David Brent in this exciting new phase of his career,” said Christine Langan, Head of BBC Films.
Marchand’s recently recast division, eOne Features, is the company’s feature film creative development, production and international sales unit. Current productions include Gavin Hood’s EYE IN THE SKY, Fabrice Du Welz’s MESSAGE FROM THE KING, and complement the company’s international sales slate which includes Matt Ross’ CAPTAIN FANTASTIC, Jay Roach’s TRUMBO and Tom McCarthy’s SPOTLIGHT.

Both Katy Perry and Sam Smith call this guy the next big thing. And they might be right.

Some young songwriters yearn for the moment they’ll get signed. Others dream about playing a big show.

And then there’s Kevin Garrett, whose big break happened in a way beyond what most artists could ever dream of. His lush, haunting instrumentals and soulful croon so captivated Katy Perry and Sam Smith that both mega-stars took to Twitter to proclaim their love for his work. His path changed in 140 characters.

Perry has the single biggest following in the Twitterverse, and Garrett’s music is constantly compared to Smith’s.

Kevin Garrett may be crafting pop’s next aural fascination. And his EP Mellow Drama is only the beginning.

Via Mic

Video: Revolutions On Air – The Golden Era of New York Radio 1980-1988

New York City Radio during the 1980s featured the most dynamic and influential soundtrack the city has ever heard.

Revolutions On Air is the story of mix show legends and studio wizards like Shep Pettibone, Tony Humphries, The Latin Rascals, Marley Marl, and Kool DJ Red Alert – innovators whose “anything goes” attitude pushed the emerging hip-hop, electro, freestyle, and house music scenes and kept radio listeners citywide hooked to their tape decks in order to record these now-classic mixes.


Oreo Packaging From 1912-2012

100 Years Of Oreo Packaging (1)

100 Years Of Oreo Packaging (2)

100 Years Of Oreo Packaging (3)

100 Years Of Oreo Packaging (4)

100 Years Of Oreo Packaging (5)

100 Years Of Oreo Packaging (6)

100 Years Of Oreo Packaging (7)

100 Years Of Oreo Packaging (8)

First Trailer Released For Steve Jobs Film

Universal Pictures has released the first trailer for their upcoming biopic Steve Jobs starring Michael Fassbender as the late Apple cofounder Steve Jobs. The film was directed by one of my favourite filmmakers Danny Boyle (Trainspotting) and written by Aaron Sorkin (The Newsroom, The Social Network). The film is scheduled to be released in theaters on October 9, 2015 and it feels pretty Social Network-y.

Twitter CEO on Battling the Trolls

While Twitter has been receiving complaints about harassment for years, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo acknowledged it’s a particularly difficult issue to deal with as there are so many varying degrees of abuse. For example, he noted, after the aforementioned memo went public, he received messages from users complaining about abuse that’s actually “fairly rational political discourse.”

“We’ve drawn a line on what constitutes harassment and abuse,” Costolo said. “I believe that we haven’t yet drawn that line to put the cost of dealing with harassment on those doing the harassing. It shouldn’t be the person who’s being harassed who has to do a lot of work.”

Of course, drawing those lines means deciding what constitutes free speech and abuse, an undeniably difficult task. “Well, you set policies and then you try to stick to those policies,” Costolo explained. “One way of thinking about it is: I may have a right to say something, but I don’t have a right to stand in your living room and scream it into your ear five times in a row. Right? I think there are things you can do on the platform that are of varying degrees of severity — not just black and white.”

Via Rolling Stone

Upworthy’s co-founder gets it right on social media activism

Since Upworthy’s launch, its team has often been accused of encouraging slacktivism, which critics would describe as a kind of superficial, internet-based activism that takes the form of social media sharing rather than real-world action. To his detractors, the site co-found Peter Koechley offers the following response:

“I think that awareness actually matters and that we are in an all out war for attention between the forces of inanity and the forces of things that actually matter to society […] We feel like people paying attention and being aware of important issues is one of the big roles of media.

“The second argument is, I spent a lot of time before Upworthy doing direct political organising and it’s incredibly difficult to actually organise people to take action, to go to a protest or call their congress person or give money to a campaign if they’re not aware of the issue, or it’s not really high up on their priority list.

“I feel like we think of ourselves as trying to help create, get people focused on the most important issues and try to create the conditions for other people to make change.

“Brands know, young people have been telling them loud and clear for a while now, that if your brand doesn’t stand for something more than the jeans that you sell or the soap that you dispense, it’s not going to be enough.

“Young people actually make purchase decisions based on whether they agree with the company’s values and whether the brand stands for anything.”

Via The Guardian

Bill Nye is asked if racism has any basis in nature. Here’s his brilliant answer.

Bill Nye, Ricky Velez and Mike Yard chat about pepper spray’s effects on white people, an anti-police T-shirt in Baltimore and whether racism exists in the animal kingdom.

Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver Records Song With Ed Sheeran, Paul McCartney

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver is hoping to start a food revolution, with a little help from his friends. For years, Oliver’s Food Revolution Foundation has been encouraging supporters to think more about bringing fresh, wholesome foods to the table. This year, he wants to bring that food to schools. For this year’s Food Revolution Day, Oliver has launched a global campaign and petition to urge school boards around the world to make practical food education compulsory in their curriculums.

Adding to his appeal, Oliver has put down his kitchen utensils to take up a microphone and join in on an original song he commissioned from pop star Ed Sheeran. Oliver says he hopes the video leads to more people taking notice of the cause and signing the petition. “We’ve always made a lot of noise, and we’ve always raised the food conversation but we wanted to push it toward a petition this year,” he told CTV’s Canada AM from England Friday.


Via Canada AM